Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Conference Scholarship Sponsor


$2850 (multiple sponsorships available)

ECA is committed to supporting the diversity of individuals and organisations working to strengthen the wellbeing of young children. Conference scholarships are offered to rural and remote-based educators, to ensure the widest possible representation at the conference. Funds will cover the cost of a full conference ticket plus up to $1850 towards travel. As a Conference Scholarship Sponsor, you will help promote participation and reduce barriers for delegates wishing to attend the 2019 ECA National Conference.

Sold x1—HESTA Sold x2—Australian Government Department of Education and Training Sold x1—ACECQA

purchase this package today!

Benefits Include:
  • named a ‘Conference Scholarship Sponsor’ in the Conference Pocket Program and proceedings
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website and conference app
  • the opportunity for sponsors and scholarship recipients to meet and have photographs taken for future media and promotional purposes
  • acknowledgement of sponsorship during the opening ceremony
  • one inclusion on the conference USB (file size limits apply)
  • one guest invitation to the Speaker and Sponsor Appreciation event (event to be confirmed)