Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Doctoral Thesis Award


Early Childhood Australia Doctoral Thesis Award

The aim of the Doctoral Thesis Award is to

  1. Encourage early childhood research; and
  2. Recognise the excellence of the early childhood research undertaken by doctoral students.

The award comprises:

  • A citation delivered with the presentation of the award at the ECA National Conference
  • A return airfare, registration and accommodation to attend the ECA National Conference
  • The engraving of the name of the award winner on the perpetual trophy, to be held in the ECA National Office; and
  • An invitation to present the findings of the research at the ECA National Conference.

Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for the award are that:

  1. The thesis must be for a full PhD or EdD (Professional Doctorate) awarded after 30 June 2017.
  2. The PhD or EdD must have been awarded in Australia.
  3. A copy of the examiners reports to be included in the applicant’s documentation.

Judging Criteria
Applicants are required to submit a 6,000 word summary of their thesis. The following judging criteria will be used to assess applications for this award:

  1. Does the thesis advance knowledge of early childhood (defined as birth to eight years of age) by making a contribution to theoretical, and/or empirical research and understanding? How?
  2. Does the thesis advance knowledge of early childhood (defined as birth to eight years of age) by making a contribution to methodological research and understanding? How?
  3. Does the thesis contribute or potentially contribute to improvements in early childhood policy or practice? If so, what is the nature of that contribution?
  4. Does the thesis demonstrate or evidence excellence in early childhood program delivery?
  5. How will this award potentially increase the impact of the thesis on the delivery of early childhood education and care?

Process for reviewing applications

  1. Applications are confidential and will remain confidential throughout the reviewing process. Applicants should complete the application form (accessed here) and submit their applications via email to awards@earlychildhood.org.au.
  2. The Selection Committee assesses applications in three steps
    • Step 1 – establishing that applications meet the criteria for eligibility
    • Step 2 – assessing each eligible application against the selection criteria
    • Step 3 – selecting one nominee to receive the award
  3. The Selection Committee may request a copy of the full thesis and any supporting documentation and/or additional information to assist in decision making.
  4. If the Selection Committee decides there are no nominations for the Award that sufficiently fit the selection criteria, no Award will be presented.
  5. The final decision is reviewed by the ECA Board. The decision of the ECA Board is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Award benefits/prizes

  1. The Award recipient will be contacted prior to the Early Childhood Australia Conference and invited to prepare a presentation on their thesis.
  2. The Award will be announced at the National Conference.
  3. The Award recipient will receive travel and accommodation costs and conference registration to the ECA Conference in the year awarded as well as a trophy presented to them at the conference.
  4. The award recipient will be invited to write an article (or be interviewed) for an edition of ECA’s newsletter Every Child.
  5. The Award recipient will also receive 12 months complimentary Early Childhood Australia membership and subscriptions to AJEC, Every Child, Research in Practice and Everyday Learning (any or all of these can be transferred to another individual or service if desired).
  6. Consideration will be given to the top six (6) applicants to have their work published in AJEC.

Applications Close 30 April 2019

 Completed application forms should be emailed to awards@earlychildhood.org.au

Download application!