Early Childhood Australia-A voice for young children
Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

ECA National Conference Newsletter

Call for papers

The Early Childhood Australia (ECA) National Conference, From vision to action, is set to take place at Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Tasmania, from 25–28 September 2019.

The 2019 conference will explore current and emerging practice to enhance young children’s experiences across the spectrum of service and education settings that they attend. This includes early childhood education and care (ECEC) as well as the early years of school, outside school hours care and child/parent programs such as playgroups and family centres.

The ECA National Conference Newsletter updates will keep you well-informed of developments and special opportunities, so keep an eye out for future editions!

Application to present

Your opportunity to present at the ECA Conference is here!

Applications to present at the conference are now open! Applicants wishing to present will need to identify which one of the following five areas of inquiry their presentation contributes to most directly. Presentations can be either a standalone oral presentation or a traditional poster presentation.

1. Speak up for children
2. Build social capital
3. Quality early education
4. Professional learning
5. Inspiring leadership and effective governance

Apply now!

Abstract submission process

Instructions and deadlines

In keeping with ECA’s drive to improve environmental sustainability, all abstracts must be submitted online— click here.

  • Applications must be submitted online, no later than 23 January 2019.
  • Applications must address the selection criteria.
  • Abstracts must be no more than 300 words.
  • Biographies must be no more than 50 words.
  • Authors must supply their photographs along with the application (limit file size to a maximum of 1MB).
Closing date for submission of application to present 23 January 2019
Review of applications by Conference Program Committee and notification of outcomes between 28 January and 28 February 2019
Draft program published on conference website 31 March 2019
Closing date for presenter registration 25 July 2019
Submission of final PowerPoint presentation 15 August 2019

Apply now!

Contact information

E: conference@earlychildhood.org.au
T: 1800 356 900 (free call in Australia)
T: +61 2 6242 1800


Early Childhood Australia-A voice for young children

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Early Childhood Australia − 2018. © Early Childhood Australia.
ABN: 44 950 767 752

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