Early Childhood Australia-A voice for young children
Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

ECA National Conference Newsletter

Registration is now open!

Join us for the ECA National Conference at Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Tasmania, from 25–28 September 2019. Early bird registration is now available online—register today to secure a spot at the early bird rate!

The 2019 conference will explore current and emerging practice to enhance young children’s experiences across the spectrum of service and education settings that they attend. This includes early childhood education and care (ECEC) as well as the early years of school, outside school hours care and child/parent programs such as playgroups and family centres.

Full registration Early bird rate (closes 30 June 2019)
ECA member


Non-member $1110
Concession registration* Standard rate
ECA member $475
Non-member $580

*Concession registration is available to full-time students, pensioners and health care cardholders.

Register now!

Live streaming

Virtual delegate passes available

If you can’t attend the 2019 conference in person, but don’t want to miss out on all the activity, purchase a virtual delegate pass today!

The virtual delegate pass will offer live streaming of all keynote presentations, panel sessions and select concurrent presentations, as well as offering virtual one-on-one experiences with our exhibitors.

Virtual delegate pass Standard rate
ECA member


Non-member $469

To find out more and purchase your virtual delegate pass today, click here.

Call for papers reminder

Application deadline—23 January 2019

Applications to present at the conference must be submitted online no later than 23 January 2019. Applicants wishing to present will need to identify which one of the following five areas of inquiry their presentation contributes to most directly. Presentations can be either a standalone oral presentation or a traditional poster presentation. In keeping with ECA’s drive to improve environmental sustainability, all abstracts must be submitted online—click here.

1. Speak up for children
2. Build social capital
3. Quality early education
4. Professional learning
5. Inspiring leadership and effective governance

Apply now!

ECA Doctoral Thesis Award

Applications are open!

Applications are now open for the highly regarded ECA Doctoral Thesis Award. The award recipient will be announced during the 2019 ECA National Conference.

Click here for more information on the ECA awards.


Accommodation has been secured at a range of hotels and apartments in Hobart at competitive and flexible rates for the 2019 ECA National Conference. These rates are only available for a limited time, so be sure to book online during the registration process.

ECA members receive a discount on conference registration!
To learn more about ECA membership, or to join, please
click here.

Contact information

E: conference@earlychildhood.org.au
T: 1800 356 900 (free call in Australia)
T: +61 2 6242 1800


Early Childhood Australia-A voice for young children

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Early Childhood Australia − 2018. © Early Childhood Australia.
ABN: 44 950 767 752

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