ECA National Conference Newsletter

Program is now LIVE!

We are delighted to announce that the 2019 Early Childhood Australia (ECA) National Conference 'From vision to action' program has arrived!
At ECA, we pride ourselves on offering the most comprehensive early childhood conference in Australia. You will walk away with actionable strategies, new ideas and be among like-minded people with individuals from across the sector and every corner of the globe. Plus, we'll help you break the ice with exciting social events and networking functions.
Tickets are selling fast and early bird registration closes on 30 June 2019, full conference registration starts from just $905—register today!
ECA members receive a discount on conference registration!
To learn more about ECA membership, or to join, please click here.

Masterclasses announced

We are excited to announce two exclusive masterclasses will be taking place on Wednesday 25 September. Both masterclasses are now open for registration to all 2019 ECA National Conference delegates. Limited spots are available—click here to find out more.
Growing great leadership

Masterclass with Leanne Gibbs

The future of early childhood education in Australia needs great leadership and that is nurtured and developed in every early childhood education setting. If you’re looking for inspiration and practical guidance on how to develop pedagogy of leading and leadership then this ECA masterclass is for you.

In this year’s Leadership masterclass, Leanne Gibbs will explore the latest cutting-edge research on leadership, guide you on how organisations can create the right conditions for the development of leadership, and help you to identify and cultivate emerging leadership. This masterclass will change your thinking on leading in early childhood education through an exciting encounter with theory, practice and stories of leadership development in settings across Australia.

The Leadership masterclass will build your knowledge on the ECA Leadership Capability Framework’s Leadership Capability 3—Builds respectful, trusting, nurturing and equitable professional relationships and share knowledge from the new ECA Box of Leadership Provocations.

Date: Wednesday 25 September 2019
Time: 9.00 am–3.00 pm (registration from 8.30 am–9.00 am)
Venue: Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart
Rate: $185.00 per person (incl. GST)

Making Marks—creating and curating children’s art

Masterclass with Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM

An interactive experience led by internationally honoured collector and curator of children’s art, Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM. This masterclass will feature the process of developing Making Marks, an exhibition of early mark-making by very young Tasmanian children. Making Marks features the ideas of children from birth to four years, as shown in their explorations. Making Marks was created by the B4 Early Years Coalition and Partners in collaboration with children, artists, educators and families across Tasmania. The exhibition is being held at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
The masterclass will feature a mini-lecture, two workshop activities and group discussion. Participants will learn how to set-up and maintain a child-centred studio, how to collect and exhibit children’s art, and how to work collaboratively with artist, educators and communities. It will stretch participants’ understanding of very young children’s creative and artistic lives.
Date: Wednesday 25 September
Time: 1.00 pm­–4.00 pm (registration from 12.30 pm–1.00 pm)
Venue: Delegates to register at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, before walking across to the Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery
Rate: $159.75 per person (incl. GST)

A collaboration between B4 Early Years Coalition, Early Childhood Australia (ECA), National ECA Conference Organising Committee, Lady Gowrie, Goodstart Early Learning, Northern Children’s Network, All That We Are, Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM and the Tasmanian Museum and Gallery.

Centre and cultural tours released

A selection of centre and cultural tours have been planned for delegates to make the most out of their conference experience. Centre tours will take place on Wednesday 25 September 2019. Tours can be booked online during the registration process—there are only a limited number of places available, so book now!

Centre Tour 1: Sustainability Learning Centre (half day)

Tasmania’s Sustainability Learning Centre is an innovative and visionary purpose-built educational facility that offers early learning programs both on and off site. Gather together and take some time to step off the asphalt—become immersed in culturally appropriate ways to learn on Country, explore risky play at Tassie’s first nature-focused bush kindergarten and review the documentation and risk-benefit policy.

Centre Tour 2: Teaching and learning (full day)

On the teaching and learning day tour, delegates will visit Reggio Emilia-inspired New Horizons Preschool and Windermere Primary School’s early learning centre, as well as Gaia’s Nest. 

Centre Tour 3: Integrated services / Bush kinder (full day)

This tour visits two integrated services and a bush kinder, starting with the Lady Gowrie Tasmania—Integrated and Family Centre, followed by the Discovery Early Learning Centre Bush Kinder and concluding at the Child and Family Centre Chigwell. 

Centre Tour 4: Road trip to wayraparattee CFC Geeveston and Apple Shed Museum (full day)  

This tour departs on a road trip to wayraparattee Child and Family Centre in Geeveston and incorporates a visit to the Willie Smith’s Apple Shed Museum to view some of the Apple Isle’s history followed by a lunch at their café before heading back to Hobart.

Cultural Tour 1: From Gumnuts to Buttons & Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) Cultural Exhibition

The education resource From Gumnuts to Buttons is combined with a journey through the Aboriginal Exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) during this tour.
The education resource From Gumnuts to Buttons gives students a view of European settlement through the eyes of Tasmanian Aboriginal people. Following will be a TMAG Tours for Schools with an Aboriginal learning facilitator.

Social program

Welcome Reception

Join colleagues and friends on Wednesday 25 September 2019 from 5.30 pm–7.30 pm for casual evening of networking and nibbles. Conference delegates receive one ticket to the welcome reception with their registration. 

HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards Dinner

Join us at Wrest Point, Sandy Bay, Tasmania on Thursday 26 September 2019 for the HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards.

The HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards acknowledge the front-line educators and carers at the very heart of Australia's early childhood education system. Finalists will be recognised across the categories of Advancing Pedagogy and Practice, Outstanding Graduate, and Building Inclusion. 

Open to all delegates, partners and guests, the Awards dinner will be a night of celebration and inspiration. Tickets can be purchased for $110 during the conference registration process.

ECA National Conference 2019 sponsors