Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

International Keynote Speaker Sponsor


$10 400– SOLD OUT

Have your company associated with a leader in the sector, by meeting the expenses of one of our International Keynote Speakers.

Sold x 1—The Creche & Kindergarten Association Sold x 1—Early Childhood Australia Tasmania Branch

          ECA TAS Branch

purchase this package today!

Benefits include:
  • named an ‘International Keynote Speaker Sponsor’ in the Conference Pocket Program and proceedings
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website and conference app
  • the opportunity to introduce the International Keynote Speaker prior to their address
  • acknowledgement as an International Keynote Speaker Sponsor on slide presentations
  • acknowledgement of sponsorship at the opening and closing of the session involving the International Keynote Speaker
  • a 10 per cent discount on exhibition booths (up to a total of two booths)
  • one complimentary conference registration (including welcome reception and farewell function)
  • one complimentary dinner ticket
  • one guest invitation to the Speaker and Sponsor Appreciation event (event to be confirmed)
  • special ‘Sponsor’ name tag.