Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Presenter Papers 2018

Please note, these papers have been submitted by the presenter and have not been edited or modified in any way by Early Childhood Australia. Upon request of some presenters, not all papers or videos have been approved for availability online. If you presented at the 2018 ECA National Conference in Sydney and your paper is not included below, please contact the conference secretariat via email.



Presentation Papers





Adams, Rachel Every Aboriginal child a capable and competent reader
Airey-Graham, Janette Family violence in a child’s world: An early years approach to supporting children who have lived experience of family violence
Anderson, Penny Social and emotional learning uncovered
Atkinson, Geraldine Ensuring a fair start for our children: The essential role of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years sector


Barone, Anne Leading the early years: Supporting school leaders in high-quality teaching and learning in the early years
Barwick, Annette Developing the Tasmanian early years & school age sector workforce: A collective impact approach
Baxter, Jackie Are we really listening? The power of dialogue in interpreting young children’s signals
Blackstock, Cindy Keynote Address: Raising a reconciliation generation
Blackstock, Cindy Keynote Workshop: Advocacy in change resistant environments
Bourne, Jane Leadership and advocacy as an early learning teacher: Building capacities through mentoring
Bourne, Jane Professionalism, paperwork and pedagogy: Identifying leadership strategies that enable professional practice in long day care
Boyd, Wendy Writing, reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for professional development 
Brien, Jackie Professional reading, learning and leading: Who reads what? And why?
Brien, Jackie Writing, reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for professional development 
Brown, Trevor Developing the Tasmanian early years & school age sector workforce: A collective impact approach
Brown, Trevor Physical health and wellbeing: innovative approaches in an inner-city community


Cabezas, Carolina Teaching and learning with multilingual children and families
Cameron, Allison The role of the early years music in language development of young children
Carroll-Lind, Janis Tigers across the Tasman: An international exchange on comtemporary leadership and social change theory in early childhood
Carson, Deanne Gender glorious: Exploring and supporting children’s agency in their gender identity and expression
Choot, Rachael The right to rights! A project approach to how we introduce the concept of children’s rights to children and families
Coffey, Jaclyn Establishing healthy eating habits early: Obesity prevention in NSW early childhood services
Cohrsen, Carolyn NT Preschool Math Games: Impact and connection
Cohrsen, Carolyn Reflective practice: What, why and how?
Cole, Debbie Educators as learners: A framework for new conversations on designing and sourcing effective professional learning that results in real change
Coleman, Leora Finding your identity as a leader in early childhood – An organisation’s approach to developing leadership skills
Cook, Penelope Keeping Aboriginal voices close: Creating a third space
Copas, Mary Family day care: Not the poor cousin of the education and care sector
Cox, Melissa Building challenging and risky learning spaces with four-year-olds
Crawford, Leanne Key factors to making a difference for a child with ASD
Cumming, Racquel  Leading the early years: Supporting school leaders in high-quality teaching and learning in the early years


Davenport, Cindy I’ve got this! Settling multiple children in early childhood education and care environments
Day, Angie The gender elephant in the room
Doull, Marian Exploring the tension between the competent educator and the competent child


Egan, Tara Family day care: Not the poor cousin of the education and care sector
Elderton, Melanie Project: Our Gadical home – connecting to Country through Aboriginal art


Fenech, Marianne Supporting the authentic inclusion of marginalised families in early childhood education services
Field, Vanessa  Affective professional learning experiences with educators working with children aged birth to three years 
Foulkes, Tracy Reflecting on respect: An evaluation of educator practice with infants


Geary, Anita Family violence in a child’s world: An early years approach to supporting children who have lived experience of family violence
Gentle, Natalie Who knows best, who decides what works for children?
Gowers, Fay Moving beyond technology: How can we achive high-quality pedagogy with digital technology tools
Green, Amanda Establishing healthy eating habits early: Obesity prevention in NSW early childhood services
Gregory, Michelle Moving beyond technology: How can we achive high-quality pedagogy with digital technology tools
Grimmond, Jo Rethinking block play: The development of numeracy and mathematics block-based assessment for preschool children
Guarrella, Cristina Reflective practice: What, why and how?


Hadley, Fay Writing, reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for professional development 
Hamilton, Michelle Being a reflective leader and making a difference
Harden, Deni Vision impaired child climbs a tree – creating an inclusive and resilient community through nature-based risky play and education
Harrison, Victoria Teaching and learning with multilingual children and families
Heeley, Trish What happens when the money runs out? Sustaining professional learning after the Long Day Care Professional Development Program
Hendershot, Heike STEM learning fosters children’s right for individual development and expression
Holwell, Mary Reflective practice: What, why and how?
Hoult, Belinda NT Preschool Math Games: Impact and connection
Hugo, Karen The Paper Plane Project: Becoming Little Scientists
 Hydon, Catharine Educators as learners: A framework for new conversations on designing and sourcing effective professional learning that results in real change


Inoue, Michiko Pre-service teacher education to promote education for sustainability in Japan
Irvine Casey, Georgia Leadership and advocacy as an early learning teacher: Building capacities through mentoring
Irvine, Susan Professionalism, paperwork and pedagogy: Identifying leadership strategies that enable professional practice in long day care


Jenkins, Claire Every Aboriginal child a capable and competent reader
Jige, Mayumi Pre-service teacher education to promote education for sustainability in Japan
Jones, Kerryn Keeping Aboriginal voices close: Creating a third space
Jovanovski, Anita Community-based FDC services: The leaders in ethical FDC provision


Kalis, Aurelie Keeping it fair! How do we confront our gaps in the journey of inclusion?
Keenan, Tessa Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Schools and Early learning
Kelly, Georgina Building challenging and risky learning spaces with four-year-olds


Lahmar, Faiza Family day care: Not the poor cousin of the education and care sector
Laird, Sonya Aboriginal English in early childhood: Respecting children’s right to communicate in community dialect and develop their skills in supportive contexts
Liebmann, Raeleen Vision impaired child climbs a tree – creating an inclusive and resilient community through nature-based risky play and education
Lindsay, Gai Myth-busting the difference between meaningful visual arts learning experiences and shallow entertainment activities
Livingstone, Rhonda Building a culture of ethical leadership


Machado, Sofia Successful transference of the EYLF from early childhood and primary school using Nature School Pedagogy and technology as the tool
Mathers, Sharon Keeping it fair! How do we confront our gaps in the journey of inclusion?
McCormack, Derek What matters most to parents? Opportunities to engage parents in their children’s early learning
Mitchell, Megan Principles for child safe organisations – making places and spaces good for kids 
Moore, Jessica Project: Our Gadical home – connecting to Country through Aboriginal art
Mudie, Shannan The right to rights! A project approach to how we introduce the concept of children’s rights to children and families
Mulhall, Cathy Leadership in remote communities


Nadebaum, Kym D for Digital, Documentation and Design
Neville, Angeline Moving beyond Twinkle Twinkle


Page, Jane Professional reading, learning and leading: Who reads what? And why?
Pfeiffer, Paul Maximising every child’s potential – promoting resilience after trauma
Phillips, Carmel How children from a very young age respond to stimulating environments when they are decision makers
Price, Alexandra How children from a very young age respond to stimulating environments when they are decision makers



Quinones, Gloria Affective professional learning experiences with educators working with children aged birth to three years 



Raddich, Judy Writing, reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for professional development 
Raihani, Mariam Are we really listening? The power of dialogue in interpreting young children’s signals
Ramchandani, Paul Keynote Address: Right from the start: Play, relationships and learning
Ramchandani, Paul Keynote Workshop: Right from the start: An example of early intervention
Read, Cassy Successful transference of the EYLF from early childhood and primary school using Nature School Pedagogy and technology as the tool
Ribarovski, Jennifer The gender elephant in the room
Runnalls, Rebecca Every Aboriginal child a capable and competent reader
Rutherford, Lynne Who knows best, who decides what works for children?


Selwood, Tim  Keeping it fair! How do we confront our gaps in the journey of inclusion?
Semann, Anthony  Learning to unlead: The practice of love and hope as a revolutionary approach to leading
Shaw, Susan Digital or traditional documentation: Using action research to reflect and redesign our program and planning techniques
Shaw, Katelyn Digital or traditional documentation: Using action research to reflect and redesign our program and planning techniques
Shanker, Stuart Keynote Address: The paramount importance of early childhood educators
Shanker, Stuart Keynote Workshop: Self-regulation and externalising and internalising anxiety behaviours
Smith, Rebecca Successful transference of the EYLF from early childhood and primary school using Nature School Pedagogy and technology as the tool
Sonter, Lisa Self-regulated mathematical learners: Counting the steps from early childhood services to school
Southey, Sue Self-regulated mathematical learners: Counting the steps from early childhood services to school
St John Robb, Vivienne Reflecting on respect: An evaluation of educator practice with infants
Surendra, Caroline Exploring the tension between the competent educator and the competent child
Sweeney, Rowan Maximising every child’s potential – promoting resilience after trauma


Thorpe, Karen Professionalism, paperwork and pedagogy: Identifying leadership strategies that enable professional practice in long day care
Tighe, Johnathan Aboriginal English in early childhood: Respecting children’s right to communicate in community dialect and develop their skills in supportive contexts
Timlin, Robyn Supporting children and families at risk: A journey of collaboration across sectors
Torban, Luba Supporting children and families at risk: A journey of collaboration across sectors
Towers, Ceane Eight ways of working with Aboriginal knowledge
Tranfa, Trish Leading Re-imagining Childhood in South Australia: A story of courage, respect, democracy and social responsiveness
Tuesley, Emma Digital or traditional documentation: Using action research to reflect and redesign our program and planning techniques


Watson, Kellie Developing the Tasmanian early years and school care age care sector workforce: A collective impact approach
Webb, Gwendalyn Aboriginal English in early childhood: Respecting children’s right to communicate in community dialect and develop their skills in supportive contexts
Webb, Grant A family affair: The ‘lived experience’ of becoming the parent of a school child
Williams-Smith, Janet Tigers across the Tasman: An international exchange on comtemporary leadership and social change theory in early childhood
Woods, Meghan Leadership within a classroom: A journey exploring the ‘i’ in leadership
Woolley, Christine Physical health and wellbeing: innovative approaches in an inner-city community