Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Presenter Papers 2016

Please note, these papers have been submitted by the presenter and have not been edited or modified in any way by Early Childhood Australia. Upon request of some presenters, not all papers or videos have been approved for availability online. If you presented at the ECA National Conference 2016 in Darwin and your paper is not included below, please contact the conference secretariat via email.


Presentation Papers



Atkinson, Geraldine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years learning: Foundation for the future
Australian Human Rights Commission Building belonging-a toolkit for early childhood educators


Baber, Marg  Supportive and effective partnerships with families when a parent works away from home
Bellen, Linda Play-Lost in Translation? Exploring teachers’ beliefs to promote pedagogic continuity
Berthelsen, Prof Donna Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school 
Blaise, Prof Mindy Critical reflection and reading diffractively 
Blyth, Doreen Shared professional agreements—A study undertaken with the directors
Bourne, Jane Engaging Pre-Service and Early Career Educators in Leadership and Advocacy
Boyd, Dr Wendy Early childhood pre-service teachers’ career intentions: Chalk and cheese?
Brien, Jackie

Writing for Early Childhood Australia

Co-constructing shared meanings: beginning the collaboration with families of young children with a disability

Budd, Yoshi Discourses of Play
Burns, Julie Creating Capacity to Teach with Nature to Inspire New Professionals
Busch, Dr Gil Connecting with families ‘What works’ to enrich children’s development and learning?


Carlson, Kelly More than a Network: Discovering our Professional Power Through Collaboration and Leadership
Carroll-Lind, Dr Janice Leaders Growing Leaders – Effective Early Childhood Leaders for Sustainable Leadership                                                                                                                 
Cheeseman, Sandra Leadership Breath
Clarke, Sharryn Mentoring early childhood beginning teachers through Facebook™: does it strengthen or disempower?


De Calmer, Stacey Intentional Yarns
De Gioia, Dr Katey Haven’t we moved beyond the prac folder?: Digital documentation in accreditation and training
Deans, Janice Thinking, Feeling and Relating Young Children Learning Through Dance
Disney, Leigh Straddling the Divide
Donohue, Dr Chip

Re-thinking Screen Time for the Digital Age – Imagining Screens as Windows, Mirrors and Magnifying Glasses

Family Engagement in the Digital Age – Early Childhood Educators as Mentors 

Doull, Marian Steaming Ahead
Duursma, Dr Elisabeth Father involvement and child outcomes


Edwards, Prof. Susan 

Play-based learning and intentional teaching: forever different?

The Pedagogical Play-framework in practice

Elliott, Prof. Alison Connecting with families ‘What works’ to enrich children’s development and learning?


Fenech, Dr Marianne What’s best for my child? Building parents’ understandings of early learning and quality early childhood education and care
Fletcher, Dr Richard Engaging fathers in the early childhood space; Why and how? 
Franklin, Jennifer Talking the Talk: Listening to Family Stories to Support Child Development


Gallen, Stephen Sustainability in Action – Learnings from an Outback Action Research project
Gowers, Fay Jump Start: Increasing physical activity among young children from disadvantaged communities
Grieshaber, Prof. Sue Critical reflection and reading diffractively 
Griffiths, Sara Straddling the Divide


Hall, Claire   Active learning: How interaction with outdoor environments transforms young children’s thinking
Hamilton, Caroline Slow Down. Supporting children’s agency 
Hammersley, Margaret ‘Peeling back the layers’ the art of practitioner inquiry in an early childhood setting
Harris, Sonia An interdisciplinary approach to developing a sensory room
Hayes, Marion Connecting with families ‘What works’ to enrich children’s development and learning?
Hazard, Helen Straddling the Divide
Heeley, Trish The LDCPDP An opportunity to innovate and collaborate towards excellence in early childhood
Heslin, Dana Sustainability in Action – Learnings from an Outback Action Research project
Highfield, Kate Haven’t we moved beyond the prac folder?: Digital documentation in accreditation and training
Hilton, Judy Imagine Flourishing Feeling Good and Doing Good – An introduction to positive psychology
Hinton, Amber What’s best for my child? Building parents’ understandings of early learning and quality early childhood education and care
Huser, Carmen What do children say about play? Insights into play from children’s perspectives in a prior to school setting
Hydon, Catharine 

‘Peeling back the layers’ the art of practitioner inquiry in an early childhood setting

Reconciliation in practice – engaging young children in acts of acknowledgement, justice and understanding

Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics Revised for 2016


Irvine, Assoc. Prof. Susan What keeps early childhood teachers working in long day care?
Irvine, Casey Engaging Pre-Service and Early Career Educators in Leadership and Advocacy


Jayanath, Chandima Leadership dilemmas in the Early Childhood Context 
Jewell, Pat Children have the right to be heard – but how do we listen?
Johansson, Prof Eva Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school
Jones, Catherine It’s not all about the money…but that helps! Job satisfaction among early childhood teachers


Keegan, Janet The LDCPDP An opportunity to innovate and collaborate towards excellence in early childhood
Kemble, Renee Using anticipatory planning webs to strengthen partnerships with culturally and linguistically diverse families
Kirk, Dr Gillian  Educational leadership drives learning in Kindergarten: An examination of teacher strategies in different educational contexts
Kovtun, Jana Missed opportunities? Inspiring mathematics in the early years


Lee, Suet Mie Exploring Community Belonging: Children’s Investigation of Built and Social Environments
Lennox, Sandra Delve below the tip of the iceberg: Expanding ways of thinking, talking and learning
Lewins, Kelly The Best of Me – Building & empowering self-respect in the early years: Ways of valuing the self
Lincoln, Dr Mary AEDC: Supporting evidence-based collaboration
Lister, Rob Using anticipatory planning webs to strengthen partnerships with culturally and linguistically diverse families
Livingstone, Rhonda Excellence in educational leadership: Driving continuous improvement and quality outcomes for children and communities
Lord, Dr Alison Creating Capacity to Teach with Nature to Inspire New Professionals
Lunn Brownlee, Prof. Joanne Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school


Mahoney, Dr Linda Straddling the Divide
Mascadri, Julia Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school 
McFadden, Dr Amanda

Engaging Pre-Service and Early Career Educators in Leadership and Advocacy

Parent Perspectives on the Implementation of a Digital Documentation Portal in an Early Learning Centre 

McHugh, Clare Every young child is thriving and learning …in the digital age 
McKinlay, Sharon What keeps early childhood teachers working in long day care?
Miller, Melinda Action research: your work, not more work
Mitchell, Gillian Jobs for Families Child Care Package
Mitchell, Megan Building belonging-a toolkit for early childhood educators
Mulhearn, Gerry The ethics of care and justice: a new framework for reflecting on leadership


Newman, Dr Linda Early childhood pre-service teachers’ career intentions: Chalk and cheese?
Nice, Kylie Creating Capacity to Teach with Nature to Inspire New Professionals
Nutton, Dr Georgina Straddling the Divide


O’Rourke, Megan Uncovering Invisibility: Bringing Queer Representations into Early Childhood Education


Peters, Natalie Slow Down. Supporting children’s agency
Phillips, Kate Gender Equity in Early Childhood – Promoting Equality, Preventing Violence
Quin, Melanie Reimagining the VEYLDF: Research, Evidence and Consultation 


Read, Cassy More than a Network: Discovering our Professional Power Through Collaboration and Leadership
Ribarovski, Jennifer Peaceful Possibilities
Richardson, Sara From 8 Ways to KidsMatter Ways-Exploring Aboriginal pedagogies to grow healthy minds
Roberts, Dr Pauline STEM in Early Childhood: How to keep it simple and fun
Rose, Carrie Our youngest citizens as visible citizens


Scholes, Dr Laura Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school 
Shackell, Karen More than a Network: Discovering our Professional Power Through Collaboration and Leadership
Skattebol, Dr Jennifer How does policy construct early childhoods in contexts of precariousness
Smorti, Sue Leaders Growing Leaders – Effective Early Childhood Leaders for Sustainable Leadership
Stanion, Joanna Indigenous Childcare
Staples, Kerry Collaborative Relationships:Working together to support the inclusion of children with disabilities in ECEC settings
Stewart, Sandy An interdisciplinary approach to developing a sensory room
Surendra, Caroline Steaming Ahead
Susanto, Metta The Best of Me – Building & empowering self-respect in the early years: Ways of valuing the self


Thomas, Kerrin Parent Perspectives on the Implementation of a Digital Documentation Portal in an Early Learning Centre 
Turner, Sylvia Scandinavian Sabbatical


Verdon, Dr Sarah Inspiring the future of Australia: Culturally and linguistically diverse families’ engagement in early childhood education


Walker Prof. Susan Children’s perspectives on how teachers listen to ideas in the early years of school 
Wang, Dr Audrey (Cen) Inspiring the future of Australia: Culturally and linguistically diverse families’ engagement in early childhood education
Ward, Heather Children’s Centres for Early Childhood Development and Parenting 
Warden, Claire Nature Pegagogy – a further conversation  Creating Capacity to Teach with Nature to Inspire New Professionals
Wenzel, Carolin Advocacy for Change
Wilson, Gisella Reconciliation in practice – engaging young children in acts of acknowledgement, justice and understanding 
Wilson, Loren Leadership Breath
Woodrow, Assoc. Prof. Christine How does policy construct early childhoods in contexts of precariousness
Wren, Julie Active learning: How interaction with outdoor environments transforms young children’s thinking