Join us for a casual drink and savouries. Network and join friends and colleagues at the social events!
Full conference delegates receive one ticket to the welcome reception with their registration. Additional tickets can be purchased for guests, concession and day delegates at $90.00 per person. Additional tickets can be purchased online during the conference registration process.
Venue: Federation Ballroom, Mezzanine Level, Hotel Grand Chancellor
Date: Wednesday 25 September 2019
Time: 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
Cost: Included in full conference registration
Additional Tickets: $90 per person
The HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards recognise the front-line educators and carers at the very heart of Australia’s early childhood education system.
Finalists will be recognised across the categories of Advancing Pedagogy & Practice, Outstanding Graduate and Building Inclusion at a dinner on Thursday, 26 September 2019. Open to all delegates, partners and guests, the Awards dinner will be a night of celebration and inspiration.
Tickets are $110 per person, which includes a three-course dinner, drinks and entertainment. Seats are limited so be quick to secure your ticket today!
Open to all delegates, partners and guests, the awards ceremony will be a night of celebration and recognition.Tickets can be purchased during the online registration process.
Venue: Tasman Room, Wrest Point, Sandy Bay, Hobart
Date: Thursday 26 September 2019
Time: 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm start–11:00 pm
Cost: $110.00 per person
Dress: After five/Cocktail