Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

USB Drive Sponsor


$8000 (One sponsorship available)

USB drive sponsorship is an ideal way to promote your company as a ‘knowledge broker’ or supporter of knowledge development in the early childhood sector. With a commitment to the principles of environmental sustainability, the 2019 conference will not have delegate satchels. The environmentally friendly USB drive will now replace conference satchels, and will become the most valuable piece of conference merchandise for delegates.

Sold - ECA Learning Hub

purchase this package today!

Benefits include:
  • named the ‘USB Drive Sponsor’ in the Conference Pocket Program and proceedings
  • company logo printed on the USB drive, with company information or marketing material uploaded onto the drive (file size limits apply)
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website and conference app
  • distribution of USB to all conference delegates and student volunteers, to ensure both longevity of the device and of your marketing materials
  • one guest invitation to the Speaker and Sponsor Appreciation event (event to be confirmed).