Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

USB Inclusions Sponsor


$600 (multiple sponsorships available)

All delegates receive a USB at the conference and USB inclusion sponsorship is an economical way to increase awareness of your company, product or work. Inclusions may be in the form of:

  • advertising—such as a flyer, brochure, poster or video
  • information—such as a research or evaluation report summary
  • sample or tester for a template or software application (file size limits apply).

purchase this package today!

Benefits include:
  • inclusions being pre-loaded on to the USB and reaching all conference delegates (Please note: There will not be a conference satchel or printed promotional material at the 2019 conference)
  • brand exposure among all delegates, via the conference app and the Conference Pocket Program
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website and conference app.

Sponsors must ensure receipt of all inclusions by COB (AEST) Friday 28 June 2019.