Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Wi-Fi Sponsor


$9200– SOLD OUT

Providing WiFi at events is no longer an ‘additional benefit’. Reliable WiFi is a critical, must-have productivity tool. Your company will be promoted among the full conference delegation through the WiFi-login portal. Help delegates stay connected, by sponsoring the WiFi connection.


Benefits include:
  • named the ‘WiFi Sponsor’ in the Conference Pocket Program and proceedings
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website and conference app
  • being listed as the sponsor on the WiFi-login landing page, with company name and logo (with hyperlink to website)
  • two complimentary conference registrations (including welcome reception and farewell function)
  • two complimentary dinner tickets
  • one guest invitation to the Speaker and Sponsor Appreciation event (event to be confirmed)
  • special ‘Sponsor’ name tag
  • opportunity to customise password for each day of the conference (venue permitting).