Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2019

Presenter Papers 2014


Please note, these papers have been submitted by the presenter and have not been edited or modified in any way by Early Childhood Australia. Upon request of some presenters, not all papers or videos have been approved for availability online. If you presented at the ECA National Conference 2014 in Melbourne and your paper is not included below, please contact the conference secretariat via email.

Presentation Videos (Main Program)

Presentation Papers



Andersen Penny Identity: Inherited, learned or caught?
Andreetta Alga The Wrap Around Kids Team Model
Andrew Yarrow Are you an early childhood killjoy? Questions about leadership and professionalism for the childcare field
Andrews Shelley Learning Games
Archer Toby Child Friendly Cities and Communities Charter


Babicci Radha Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Baker Christine Developing Research Capacity and Culture in Wanslea’s Children’s Services: Assessing Organisational Readiness
Barclay Gillian Organic Community Change: Multi-age groups as a catalyst for change
Barnes Heather Leading the Way – The Continuing Journey in Planning for Learning
Bauer Kathy Identifying the ‘mindset’ of the early childhood pre-service teacher entering the profession
Baxter Dr Jennifer Families’ use of and needs for school aged care
Beckett Emma Supporting transition to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
Beckingham Lynne Learning Games
Bock Joanna Hurricane T: Trauma, separation and dislocation experiences of vulnerable children and their families and how these experiences interact with the community
Boissezon Priscilla Collaborative Team Teaching
Bourne Jane Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Bowler Anne Mobile Early Childhood Education and Care Services
Bowler Janelle Identity: Inherited, learned or caught?
Blackford Catherine Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
Blaxell Rebecca How Playgroups Support and Develop Family and School Relationships
Braim Rachel Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Brennan Professor Deborah A new way forward for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years
Brien Jackie Writing and reviewing for Early Childhood Australia
Bryant Lisa  Telling our stories: using old and new media to spread the early education and care message
Brummelaar Joan ten Quality not quantity
Buchanan Nyree Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University


Carter-Jones Claire Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Cartmel Dr Jennifer Emerging Research about School Age Care
Cassidy Danielle EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood
Cheeseman Sandra Mind the Gap: The spaces between intentions and practices in using the Early Years Learning Framework
Christie Adam The best little kindergarten in the middle of nowhere: Transformational education in the outback
Christie Toni Respectful care is only fair
Clarke Jennifer Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Cohrssen Caroline Leading the change: Increasing the quality of mathematics learning in play-based programs
Collins Trish Can Educators use children’s personal values to improve children’s learning (and possibly their own)?
Colmer Kaye Distributing leadership and collaborative learning: Growing professional identity and professionalism of educators
Conolly Angela Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Corr Lara  Promoting and protecting educator mental health: Opportunities to support a high-quality, sustainable workforce
Coulson Lisa A new way forward for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years
Coulter Debbie Making our Mark
Craik Wendy Productivity Commission Draft Report 
Cron Bronwyn Leading the way to a sustainable future
Cumming Tamara The early childhood workforce: Myths, realities and challenges


Danby Professor Susan Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Davis Dr Elise Promoting and protecting educator mental health: Opportunities to support a high-quality, sustainable workforce
Davis Associate Professor Julie Challenging our ways of being: The contribution of research to early childhood education for sustainability
Davis Associate Professor Julie Are we there yet? Early education responds to climate change and sustainability
Davis Associate Professor Julie Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre
Degotardi Dr Sheila Time to talk: Investigating the quantity and quality of educator-infant interactions in long-day-care centres
Doutre Rosslyn Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
Dowd Monique Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Duhn Dr Iris Leading change on assessment for learning and development through multi-service inquiry: Review and Evaluation of the Inquiry to Implementation Project
Dwyer Neville What the Fuck! The Risk of No Risk


Edwards Dr Ben Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children – learnings about ECEC
Einarsdottir Johanna Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Elliott Professor Alison Writing and reviewing for Early Childhood Australia
Elliott Dr Sue Challenging our ways of being: The contribution of research to early childhood education for sustainability
Elliott Sue  Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre
Elliot Dr Sue Sustainable outdoor playspaces in early childhood centres: Investigating perceptions, facilitating change and generating theory
Evans Alison Engaging Educators & Community to lift the platform for children’s voices to be heard : stories from the Logan Child Friendly Community Consortium (QLD)


Fargher Doug Bush Kinder: Learning beyond four walls and the perimeter fence
Farell Professor Ann Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Farell Professor Ann You say ‘worker’, I say ‘educator’ Reflections on the selection and impact of terminology in Australian ECEC policy
Fleer Professor Marliyn Leading change on assessment for learning and development through multi-service inquiry: Review and Evaluation of the Inquiry to Implementation Project
Flottman Rachel Mind the Gap: The spaces between intentions and practices in using the Early Years Learning Framework
Fox Marlene A Leap of Faith –Nurturing an Organisation
Fox Marlene Making the INCLUSION of ALL CHILDREN in child care and early learning services A REALITY
Franco Ana-Luisa 2014 McArthur Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship winner session: Recontextualising Pikler in an Australian Setting


Gardoll Glenys Developing a culturally rich early childhood environment through community engagement and respectful relationships
Garland Jo-Anne Developing a culturally rich early childhood environment through community engagement and respectful relationships
Gibbs Leanne  Telling our stories: using old and new media to spread the early education and care message
Gibson Dr Megan Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre
Gibson Dr Megan The early childhood workforce: Myths, realities and challenges
Giesenberg Dr Anna Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Gujer Michelle Mind the Gap: The spaces between intentions and practices in using the Early Years Learning Framework


Hadley Dr Fay “That’s what we are supposed to do”. Rethinking partnerships with culturally and linguistically diverse families to ensure real inclusivity.
Haines Alex Making our Mark
Hand Dr Kelly Families’ use of and needs for school aged care
Hand Melanie Making our Mark
Hand Rebecca Great Start, Great Futures:Engaging Local Partnerships in a Framework for Transition
Harris Professor Pauline Early childhood educators’ engagement with children’s voices and identities
Harris Professor Pauline Collaboration, is proximity enough? A narrative inquiry of preschool and junior primary teachers
Harrison Professor Linda Leading change on assessment for learning and development through multi-service inquiry: Review and Evaluation of the Inquiry to Implementation Project
Harrison Lisa The Wrap Around Kids Team Model
Harrison Margaret Willy Wagtail Dreaming and National Quality Framework: Innovative stories of remote children services engagement with quality, culture and both ways learning
Hatzantonis Zac Putting a Value on Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia
Hill Kellie Making our Mark
Hopps Kathryn Transition to School Age Care
Horne-Kennedy Jessica Understanding Our Sense of ‘Being’: Reflection, Narrative and The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
Horsley Professor Mike Identifying the ‘mindset’ of the early childhood pre-service teacher entering the profession
Houghton Anne Are you an early childhood killjoy? Questions about leadership and professionalism for the childcare field
Howard Gilda Can’t thrive without it: The role of effective Governance in early childhood education and care service delivery
Howell Dr Jennifer Developing Research Capacity and Culture in Wanslea’s Children’s Services: Assessing Organisational Readiness
Howitt Assoc. Professor Christine Can Educators use children’s personal values to improve children’s learning (and possibly their own)?
Howitt Assoc. Professor Christine How big is our vision? Rethinking the place of young children as active participants in research
Hydon Catharine Can’t thrive without it: The role of effective Governance in early childhood education and care service delivery
Hydon Catharine The frontier of community connected practice
Hydon Catharine Willy Wagtail Dreaming and National Quality Framework: Innovative stories of remote children services engagement with quality, culture and both ways learning
Hydon Catharine Walking on both legs: Combining the evidence base of early childhood education and road safety


Irvine Dr Susan Leading excellent practice in ECEC: Exploring the role of Educational Leader through action research
Irvine Dr Sue Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Irvine Dr Susan You say ‘worker’, I say ‘educator’ Reflections on the selection and impact of terminology in Australian ECEC policy


Jay Assoc. Professor Jenny Developing Research Capacity and Culture in Wanslea’s Children’s Services: Assessing Organisational Readiness
Jewell Pat What does it mean for early childhood educators to support young children to access their CRC rights?
Johnson Kelea  EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood
Johnson Dr Tricia Collaboration, is proximity enough? A narrative inquiry of preschool and junior primary teachers
Johnstone Merryl Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Jones Desley Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Jones Kerryn The best little kindergarten in the middle of nowhere: Transformational education in the outback
Jordon Sara Relationships: Shaping infants’and toddlers’ identity


Kagan Professor Sharon Lynn Building the Legacy: Producing quality, equitable, and sustainable early childhood programs and policies
King Leisa Transforming communities through intentional leadership
King Emma Engaging Educators & Community to lift the platform for children’s voices to be heard : stories from the Logan Child Friendly Community Consortium (QLD)
King Emma Listening to Children’s Voices
Knaggs Helen Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Knaus Dr Marianne  How Playgroups Support and Develop Family and School Relationships


LaMontagne Assoc. Professor Anthony D. Promoting and protecting educator mental health: Opportunities to support a high-quality, sustainable workforce
Lawson Fiona Transforming Communities through Intentional Leadership
Lee Professor Julie Can Educators use children’s personal values to improve children’s learning (and possibly their own)?
Lindsay Gai Educator Beliefs and Identity: Reflecting Upon Our Image of the Early Childhood Educator as Artistic
Linke Pam Writing and reviewing for Early Childhood Australia
Livingstone Rhonda You say ‘worker’, I say ‘educator’ Reflections on the selection and impact of terminology in Australian ECEC policy
Lockett Kerryn Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
Lovell Rachel Educational Leaders: How Influential are they in Guiding and Supporting Change?


Maher Professor Marguerite Identity and self-efficacy explored in five Aboriginal community pre-schools
Malezer Margi EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood
Manatakis Harry Early childhood educators’ engagement with children’s voices and identities
Marko Zora Walking on both legs: Combining the evidence base of early childhood education and road safety
Martin Holly-ann Innovative, interactive resources for abuse prevention education in the early years
Martin Sharon Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Mayne Fiona How big is our vision? Rethinking the place of young children as active participants in research
McAtamney Amanda Leadership in children’s social and emotional well being: Achieving the best possible outcomes for children
McCaughan Tammy Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
McGunnigle Christine School based childcare: Bridging home-childcare-school partnerships
McKean Julia A Collaborative Approach: How innovative documentation created partnerships with families
McLeod Sharynne Children’s Insights on Friendships and Becoming Bilingual
McNicholas Liam Telling our stories: using old and new media to spread the early education and care message
McQueen Michael The Shape of Things to Come
McSporran Virginia The Western Australian Model Centre’s Project
Mehana Dr Majida Early interventions in Australia for diverse children and families: How effective are they?
Milburn Dr Nicole  Hurricane T: Trauma, separation and dislocation experiences of vulnerable children and their families and how these experiences interact with the community
Miller Dr Melinda Embedding Indigenous Perspectives in ECEC: Asking the Hard Questions
Mislicki Carol Collaborative Team Teaching
Mitchell Julie Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Moolenaar Lauren A Leap of Faith –Nurturing an Organisation
Moore Lynne Building Indigenous early childhood identity and leadership
Murdoch Sharly EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood


Nechvatal Jenny Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Newman Brian Are you an early childhood killjoy? Questions about leadership and professionalism for the childcare field
Niklas Frank Leading the change: Increasing the quality of mathematics learning in play-based programs
Nedovic Sonya Patient as learner: A hospital experience of early childhood education


O’Connor Alexis Making our Mark
O’Gorman Lyndal Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre
Osbourne Lindy  Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre


Page Dr Jane Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
Page Dr Jane Learning Games
Page Marie EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood
Palmer Karen The Western Australian Model Centre’s Project
Payne Jo Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Pelo Ann From Teaching to Thinking: A Framework for Inquiry
Pelo Ann From Teaching to Thinking: Re-Igniting our Role as Educators
Pendergast Melita Educational Leaders: How Influential are they in Guiding and Supporting Change?
Petriella Victoria Educational Leaders: How Influential are they in Guiding and Supporting Change?
Pham Lien Time to talk: Investigating the quantity and quality of educator-infant interactions in long-day-care centres
Philips Carmel The frontier of assessment in early years education and care
Poole Emma Making our Mark
Press Dr Frances The early childhood workforce: Myths, realities and challenges
Press Dr Frances What can history offer leadership and advocacy? 75 years of Early Childhood Australia
Proud Denise Is Reconciliation a myth or a reality within the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) in the early childhood context?


Raciti Rosalie Is Reconciliation a myth or a reality within the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) in the early childhood context?
Radich Judy Writing and reviewing for Early Childhood Australia
Read Casey Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Reade Susan Time to talk: Investigating the quantity and quality of educator-infant interactions in long-day-care centres
Richardson Michelle Relationships: Shaping infants’and toddlers’ identity
Rodd Dr Jill Leadership: The Driving Force for Quality Enhancement in Early Childhood Services
Rose Carrie Engaging Educators & Community to lift the platform for children’s voices to be heard : stories from the Logan Child Friendly Community Consortium (QLD)
Ross Sharon Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Rutherford Lynne Transformative leadership for social justice and equity outcomes


Schluter Janet Changing identities, changing seasons: Early childhood educators’ views & experiences of moving from Vocational Education & Training to University
Schroder Janice Engaging the Community in Developing your Outdoor Environment
Scott Meg Making our Mark
Shields Dr Marion Leadership in Christian early childhood centres
Simoncini Dr Kym Emerging Research about School Age Care
Sisson Dr Jamie Collaboration, is proximity enough? A narrative inquiry of preschool and junior primary teachers
Smith Emma Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Sonter Lisa Relationships at work: Working relationships?
Sparling Professor Joseph Learning Games
Spencer Jane A Leap of Faith –Nurturing an Organisation
Stiller Elizabeth  Defying gravity-Taking a chance on change in family day care
Stonehouse Anne Mind the Gap: The spaces between intentions and practices in using the Early Years Learning Framework
Stratton Dr Katrina Developing Research Capacity and Culture in Wanslea’s Children’s Services: Assessing Organisational Readiness
Stuhmcke Dr Sharon Young children as change agents for sustainability
Sweid Dr Reem Families’ use of and needs for school aged care


Tayler Professor Collette E4Kids Findings
Tayler Professor Collette Leading the change: Increasing the quality of mathematics learning in play-based programs
Tayler Professor Collette Learning Games
Theobald Dr Maryanne Children’s Insights on Friendships and Becoming Bilingual
Theobald Dr Maryanne Teacher and academics researching together: Supporting practice and enhancing professional understandings of young children’s views on play
Torr Assoc. Professor Jane Time to talk: Investigating the quantity and quality of educator-infant interactions in long-day-care centres
Turner Kay SDN Pathways for families: Not a program but a way of thinking


Verdon Sarah Children’s Insights on Friendships and Becoming Bilingual
Vicino Lucy Organic Community Change: Multi-age groups as a catalyst for change


Walker Rosie “Who am I now?” Finding your place in an integrated team
Walter Helen Assessment practices in the early years – shaping children’s identity and early childhood professionalism
Waniganayake Manjula Transforming communities through intentional leadership
Watego-Gilsenan Nicole EATSIPEC-Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood
Waters Professor Elizabeth Promoting and protecting educator mental health: Opportunities to support a high-quality, sustainable workforce
Webb-Williams Dr Jane Collaboration, is proximity enough? A narrative inquiry of preschool and junior primary teachers
Wilson Jackie  A new way forward for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years
Wilson Peta Embedding sustainability in a real-world context: Developing a world class early learning centre
Wong Dr Sandie What can history offer leadership and advocacy? 75 years of Early Childhood Australia
Wood Michelle Organic Community Change: Multi-age groups as a catalyst for change


Young Tracy The frontier of sustainability in ECEC practice



Presentation Posters

Berthelsen Donna Developing a Profile of Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce
Bone Jane Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Chapman Denise CRN Supported Collaboration – Cultural Historical Theory meets Early Literacy Research
Chapman Denise Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Cumming Tamara Investigating how early childhood educators in Australia negotiate complexity in professional practice
Daniel Graham Parents’ experiences of teacher outreach in the early years of schooling in Australia
Daniel Graham Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
Dillion-Wallace Julie Mothers of Young Children with Special Health Care Needs: Maternal Well-being and Engagement in Work
Dillon-Wallace Julie Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Dockett Sue Transitions to School – International Research, Policy and Practice
Easton Catherine Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Farell Ann Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Gibbons Pam Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Gibson Megan Producing and Maintaining Professional Identities in Early Childhood
Hammer Marie Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Hard Louise Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Harrison Linda Developing a Profile of Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce
Harrison Linda Executive functioning, ecological and biological predictors: Longitudinal evidence
Hughes Fran Early Years Bush Connections
Inoue Dr Michiko Practice Study: A way to show leadership for education for sustainability in early childhood centres
Knight Linda Conducting arts based research to enable critical thinking
Logan Helen Constructions of quality in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care policy
MacDonald Amy The role of early self-regulation in children’s math achievement
Mackenzie Noella CRN Supported Collaboration – Cultural Historical Theory meets Early Literacy Research
Mackenzie Noella CRN Supported Collaborative Journal Article Writing Process
Mackenzie Noella Special Edition of Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood: Social Justice in Early Years Education: Practices and Understandings
McCormack Jane Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
McLeod Sharynne Celebrating the language competence and rich language environments of young Indigenous children
McLeod Sharynne Home language maintenance across early childhood among culturally and linguistically diverse Australian children
Miller Melinda G. Action for Change? Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Childhood Education Curricula
Miller Melinda CRN Supported Collaborative Journal Article Writing Process
Monk Hilary Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
Murray Elizabeth Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
O’Gorman Lyndal CRN Supported Collaborative Journal Article Writing Process
Paulson Lisbett Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Perry Bob Transitions to School – International Research, Policy and Practice
Peterken Corinna Becoming-artist/teacher/academic: A living inquiry with knowing in the making
Petriwskyj Anne  CRN Supported Collaborative Journal Article Writing Process
Petriwskyj Anne Transitions to School – International Research, Policy and Practice
Piazza-McFarland Laura Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
Press Fran Developing a Profile of Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce
Rivalland Corine Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
Salamon Andi Using practice architectures to explore infants’ lived experiences and early childhood educators’ conceptions of infants’ capabilities
Samuelsson Ingrid Pramling Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Scriven Brooke The co-construction of selecting a Barbie video in YouTube
Silberfeld Carolyn Global leadership and citizenship in Early Childhood Education
Shahaeian Amenah Executive functioning, ecological and biological predictors: Longitudinal evidence
Tururen Tuija CRN Supported Collaborative Journal Article Writing Process
Verdon Sarah Celebrating the language competence and rich language environments of young Indigenous children
Verdon Sarah Home language maintenance across early childhood among culturally and linguistically diverse Australian children
Veresov Nikolai CRN Supported Collaboration – Cultural Historical Theory meets Early Literacy Research
Walker Susan Executive functioning, ecological and biological predictors: Longitudinal evidence
Walsh Kerryann Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Wang Cen Audrey Developing a Profile of Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce
White Sonia The role of early self-regulation in children’s math achievement
Williams Kate E The role of early self-regulation in children’s math achievement
Winsler Adam Home language maintenance across early childhood among culturally and linguistically diverse Australian children
Wong Sandie Final year students’ views about working collaboratively with other professionals
Wong Sandie Relationships matter: Forming a collaborative educational researcher group
Wong Sandie Special Edition of Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood: Social Justice in Early Years Education: Practices and Understandings
Woods Annette Special Edition of Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood: Social Justice in Early Years Education: Practices and Understandings